# StopModReposts hosts file # # The character encoding of this file is UTF-8. # # This hosts file is maintained by the StopModReposts API, and the latest # version of this file may at any time be downloaded from the following URL: # # https://api.varden.info/smr/hosts.php # # Please see the StopModReposts GitHub wiki for more information about this # file and other serialized data formats supplied by this API: # # https://github.com/VictiniX888/Illegal-Mod-Sites/wiki/API-access-and-formats # # ***************************************************************************** # This file is up to date as of Tue, 03 Dec 2024 21:59:56 +0100. # ***************************************************************************** # # The StopModReposts list by StopModReposts is licensed under a Creative # Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. # Based on a work at http://git.io/jaBI. # # All distribution and usage of this hosts file must occur in accordance with # this license. If you have any questions concerning this, feel free to reach # out through raising an issue on GitHub or contacting us privately on Twitter # IRC or e-mail. # === End of StopModReposts site list ===